VW Polo 6R, the rural cousin, forgotten by time and civilization. VW Polo 6R, the car designed in 5 minutes during a break. VW Polo 6R, the official car of the entry-level sales agents.
We open the car reviews section with a little giant, a forgotten chapter in the history of VW. Like a cousin from the country you want to forget about because he is hardworking but slightly slow, the topic of today’s article is VW Polo 9n. The right car launched at the wrong time, but so necessary today.
Toyota Rav4 may have invented cross-overs, but Nissan Qashqai defined the genre of cross-overs. Nissan Qashqai I is the sort of car you buy when you want a cross-over, but you don’t necessarily know what you want. But is it wo...