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Review : Lexus RX AL20 ( 2015 – 2022 )

The third generation Lexus RX was a pretty good exercise for the brand but it’s still had it’s downsides but atleast it got it’s foot in the door. And then came along the most famous RX of them all, the Lexus RX AL20. Find out...

Review : Lexus RX AL10 ( 2009 – 2015 )

Much like that cute but shy girl who is wearing baggy clothing and badly drawn make-up, with the Lexus RX AL10 all the fun is underneath the clothing. Lexus RX AL10, a small facelift for a big car. Because Lexus realised that...

Review : Ford Escape ZA ( 2001 - 2007 )

Want a slice of American freedom but your budget isn't quite as fat as the typical American citizen? Do you want an mild off-road capable vehicle and the budget is as big as the budget of this online septic tank? Ford Escape ZA.


Review : Lexus RX UX30 ( 2003 – 2008 )

Lexus RX UX30, the official soccermom mobile for the Karen who had a lot of money in 2010, and I mean alot. But is it worth it to buy one in this day and age, us as ordinary mortals? The Lexus RX UX30 is a more exquisite car...

Review : Lexus RX UX10 ( 1998 – 2003 )

Lexus RX UX10 is one of the first cars that established the SUV genre in the world. Lexus RX UX10, a car that proves that sometimes the drunk ideas are the best. Find out why, in this almost car review. First of all, I should...

Review: Honda Jazz GD (2001 – 2008)

If you have a budget of 1000 pounds and you need to buy a car for your wife, then the Honda Jazz GD is one of the top candidates. But only if you absolutely have to buy a car for the wife and you didn’t really plan any budget.